What a great concept for a blog!
I just came across this fun blog. I'm always looking for useful apps on my iPhone. Not only for me..but to keep my kids amused when we end up waiting or going to someplace that is totally boring for them.
Now- I know there are still iPhone doubters out there....Why do I need all that...I just need a phone that's all. But Once you've joined the multitudes of iPhone Mommies...you get it.
Whining in the grocery cart...Here..why don't you play on mommies phone while I shop a few more minutes. AMAZING- get the shopping done...kids are happy.
Waiting at the dentist office, doctor office, post office whatever...you've got built in boredom buster right in your handy dandy always with you iPhone.
Let alone all the cool apps that can make our life easier as a Mom...useful, convenient, time savers!!
I encourage you to check The iPHONE MOM website for ideas. As she shares on her site...you can miss some awesome apps that tend to get buried in the itunes app store. There's tons of cool stuff out there..and iPHONE MOM's mission is to HOOK YOU UP.....with the best Mommie apps....:)
If you enjoy her site..tell her I sent you!! :) Have fun...and I'd love to hear what apps you've found useful for you or your kiddos!!
Happy iPhoning? (is that even a word...guess it is now!)
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